Monday, 11 April 2011


Final film cut

Our final film shows improvement from our rough cut, the changes we made was that we made a soundtrack for the full film. The sounds are used to enhance the film, to cause a tense effect and to create suspense. We also added effects to the film to cause it to look a lot darker with low key lighting to help show the effects of a horror film. We also added and created the credits and logo into the film to make it look more to a professional standard. We also made sure that all of the shots were more fluent and smoother.

Rough cut

After finishing our rough cut we got some of our follow peers to give us feedback on our film so far. Some of the feed back that we received was that we needed to add some sound effects and music in order to enhance the horror feeling. We were also advised to add effects into the film to make the visual effect more dark to keep in with the horror conventions.

Preliminery Task

While making the preliminary task we were told to include the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot reverse shot. We found that we included all of these in our film but we did struggle while filming as it was the first time we had ever used the equipment while concentrating on using the correct camera shots. We found that our overall film was successful for the task that was set but was very simple and not very advanced.


Opening sequence timeline